HTML Code (HTML Formatting Tags part 3)

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The code tag allows you to specify some of your text as computer code. This simply changes the font face, size, and letter spacing to give the text the feel of being computer code.

You may have noticed that nearly all of our examples thus far use the computer code tag when displaying each HTML Code example.

HTML Code:

This text has been formatted to be computer <code>code</code>!

Computer Code:

This text has been formatted to be computer code!
Use this tag to separate any computer code you wish to display on your website. It is not always necessary, but the tag exists if you so desire.

HTML - Code Links

Another use may be to separate links on your page and give them a unique look. This tag provides a very quick way to accomplish this.

HTML Code:

<p>Feel free to search <a href="" target="_blank">
</a> for 
anything you wish to find on the internet.</p>

Code Links:

Feel free to search Google for anything you wish to find on the internet.