Best Tips To Attract Readers to Your Blog

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undefinedTo catch the attention of your readers, instead of posting daily in your blog without any fact, you can post occasionally with some matter of interest. Depending on the type of blog it is important to post with appropriate information. For example, if you have a “how to” blog it is important to update the blog with proper information or if it is a personal one fill it with stories. Blogging is like writing a book with a constant motion and patients; this will help retain the readers. But this is not that easy; at some point you may get distracted and end up repeating earlier posts. At this point accept guest posts as Sreejesh has done. With this you will gain experience of having guest in blogs resulting in creating rules.
A blog is always on a particular subject, but variations are needed to maintain interest. Suppose a parenting blog have “how to” posts, mothering stories, etc. To avoid boring the readers a blog should have variety in posts like funny, insightful, how-to, testimonial and personal stories. Soon you can start experimenting with your blog by brining sub-topics under your main subject. Now stick to the popular ones.
For example, I have a website that teaches people how to build WordPress websites, and I presumed that people want tutorials on how to build websites. But I have found that they are interested in other things like making money online, and getting traffic to their blogs.

Regardless of the topic it is a good practice to get engaged with the guests directly. For example if you are using the mothering blog, you might describe the difficulty you are having with bedtime and then ask your readers for suggestions. After your problem is solved, write a post about it and refer the suggestions you got from your readers, highlighting them in your blog.
Let’s take another example where your blog is about managing your economy, you may ask your readers to help you finding best online deals and also you can post information you have. Blogging is like a conversation where you have to allow the other person to talk to avoid boringness and to increase interest. It’s also very important to respond back to your readers comment as they might be excited to get your feedback. A responding blogger is always interesting. How you do something, may also get the attention of your readers.
There are numerous interesting ways to keep retain your readers. One of which is to make deals on your blog and to participate in the contest the reader have to answer a question you posted or have to comment on it. Also readers can follow you on your blog or “like” your facebook page. Making deals are always good but viral marketing strategies can also be used to make own products. In the beginning you may have to expend your own money for the deals or you can search for sponsors. After carefully selecting, approach the business full with information of the followers in a day, week and month. Make the deal to advertise the business. You can request to post a review of the product. This will be more attractive. If everything goes smoothly you will find businesses approaching with products and deals.
Installing Commentluv will help giving back to readers. Commentluv Premium is even better. I can inform in a better way. It may seem difficult to keep the readers interested, but few points like interesting matters, variations within subject and different ways to engage your readers. If you keep things simple, it will be easier and interesting. After you are skilled in retaining and engaging your readers in your blog, you can go ahead and learn how to monetize your website traffic.