WP Themes Review of Thesis 1.8

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Thesis 1.8 is officially rolling out. If you are not familiar with Thesis I am happy to help explain it and offer up a review of the new features. Thesis is a theme for WordPress that is optimized for maximum SEO benefits. Normally I don’t write about software updates, but when I looked through the changes from 1.7 to 1.8 it was enough to catch my attention.

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Why doesn’t every person use Thesis theme 1.8 if it is so great? There are two very easy answers. The first possibility is that they merely haven’t heard of it yet. The second is that Thesis is a premium theme and costs $87 to purchase. With all the free WP themes available they have to make something pretty special in order to warrant a price tag on it. I had some doubts about the value of using premium themes to begin with, but after using Thesis I can say it’s really worth every penny.

If you are new to the world of search engine optimization the theme will allow you to rank very highly without having to read 10 books on SEO and do in depth coding. If you are an expert at SEO Thesis 1.8 will save you a very large amount of time when optimizing each new article. Probably the best part about the Thesis theme is that once you purchase it, you receive all of their theme upgrades for free from that point forward.

There are a lot of upgrades added to Thesis 1.8 but I wanted to highlight some of the ones I am most impressed with.

  • Header Image Upload
    One of the burdens many people go through is getting a quality header into their wordpress theme. The new header upload system allows for easy upload of an SEO optimized CSS based clickable header.
  • New Google Fonts
    Web designers deal with font issues all the time. The truth is that there are only a handful of fonts that are compatible between different browsers. There’s no point in creating outstanding content if it will not render properly when a portion of the people pull it up. The worst part is that the handful of compatible fonts are not exactly the most aesthetically appealing ever created. Thesis 1.8 allows access to Google’s Font Directory with 28 new fonts that are completely web safe.
  • Unique Pages
    Thesis 1.8 is now built to allow users to add unique headlines and content to every category, tag, or taxonomy page on your website. This is a huge benefit in fixing the duplicate content SEO problem that most WordPress Themes create.
  • Favicon Uploader
    Favicons are the tiny pictures that show up in the tab above your webpage. It is also shown next to your website name when people bookmark it. It can be a pain to drop an image down to 16×16, upload it into an icon file, and then add the right coding into each page’s meta descriptions. This is why Thesis 1.8 created a system that does all the work for you. All users have to do is simply upload a picture.
  • Custom Loop API
    This is an incredible tool created for developers to modify the specific content area of every type of WordPress page. It will allow for the creation of extensive custom templates.
  • Security
    There are multiple security enhancements in Thesis 1.8 that enables the WordPress nonce field as well as an improved data-handling system. In short it will add an overall increase for the safety of your website.
These were just a handful of the upgrades that I felt were important to point out, but there are many other benefits and changes to read about on the Thesis site.

One of the things that intrigued me the most about the Thesis theme is who uses it. There are many very well known bloggers that rely on this platform. The most notable in terms of SEO is Matt Cutts. Matt Cutts is the head of Google’s Webspam team. This is the man who is in charge of how Google successfully ranks quality websites. He is one of only a few people in the entire world who has actually seen the full Google search algorithm and he uses this theme for his own website.

Other very notable bloggers using WP Thesis themes include:
As a very open disclosure I would like to point out that the links over to their site are affiliate links. What does this mean? Well if you decide to purchase a theme from Thesis and you arrive there from our website:
  • 1.) You will pay the same price you normally would
  • 2.) We will receive a small amount of money for being the referrers
  • 3.) I will buy my dog Rowdy a brand new bone for being awesome
  • WP thesis theme 1.8 review picture of rowdy
I would never recommend anything I didn’t believe in. I only have 3 affiliate links on this site; Thesis, BlueHost, and Amazon. All three I currently use and am extremely impressed with.

If you are interested in the Thesis 1.8 WP theme simply click this link to check it out. just 10 USD.